Please find below some key information about our conference venues and moving between them. This is a distributed event, so delegates are strongly advised to bring umbrellas. A consolidated venue map is at the bottom of the page.
Faculty of English
All formal sessions of the conference and the Seventeenth Century drinks reception on Thursday night will take place in the Faculty of English (pictured above), a modern, spacious building conveniently located within central Oxford on the corner of Manor Road and St Cross Road.
Faculty of English Language and Literature
St Cross Building
Manor Road
Enter the site from St Cross Road. Progress up the main stairs at the front of the building (shown above). Take the second door on the left hand side, approximately two thirds of the way up the stairs. This brings you into the Main Foyer, where registration will take place. The desk will remain open throughout the event. All panels will take place in Lecture Theatre 2, refreshments will be served in the Main Foyer, while the drinks reception on Thursday will take place in the Senior Common Room and (weather permitting) Terrace. The Eduroam network is accessible from some parts of the building, but wireless internet access is not generally available. However, in the event of emergencies, there will be connected terminals on hand that you can use. There will be a locked room in which luggage can be stored.
St Hugh’s College

Main College Entrance on St Margaret's Road
For delegates who have booked these components, accommodation, breakfasts, and the main conference dinner on Friday night will take place at St Hugh’s College, located to the north of central Oxford between Canterbury and St Margaret’s Roads, c.20 minutes’ walk from the centre of Oxford and the Faculty of English:
St Hugh’s College
St Margaret’s Road
When checking in, you should report to the Porter’s Lodge on St Margaret’s Road. Check-in is from 2pm on the day of arrival, while check-out is by 10am on the day of departure. Breakfast is served from 8am in the Dining Hall. The conference dinner on Friday will take place in the Wordsworth Room. There are Ethernet ports in all bedrooms; delegates wishing to connect to the internet via these should bring their own Ethernet cables (although some are also available from the College).
Divinity School

Entrance to the Divinity School off Old Schools Quadrangle.
The Scaliger drinks reception on Friday night will take place in the Bodleian Library’s historic Divinity School, situated at the heart of the Old Library on Broad and Catte Streets off Old Schools Quadrangle. The oldest surviving purpose-built University building, the Divinity School was constructed between 1427 and 1483 for lectures and discussions on theology. With its elaborate lierne vaulting designed by architect William Orchard in the 1480s, the Divinity School is a renowned example of English Perpendicular Gothic. At its western end is Convocation House, a chamber added in 1634-7, where Parliament met during the Civil Wars and Restoration when it was unable to convene in London. A detailed map and directions will be provided in the delegate packs.
Al Shami

The distinctive frontage of Al Shami. An Oxford institution since 1988.
For delegates who have booked this component, dinner on Thursday night will take place at the ever-wonderful Al Shami on Walton Crescent in the historic suburb of Jericho. Open since 1988, Al Shami is an authentic Lebanese restaurant – the first to open outside London – of some renown. A detailed map and directions will be provided in the delegate packs.
Venue Map
A map showing the location of these venues in relation to each other and the transit hubs can be consulted below:
- Faculty of English – Green Building
- St Hugh’s College – Red Bed
- Divinity School – Martini Glass
- Al Shami – Cutlery
- Gloucester Green Bus Station – Blue Bus
- Train Station – Blue Train
View Communities of Knowledge Venues in a larger map
College-Faculty Walking Directions
To get to the Faculty of English from St Hugh’s College on foot, exit the College site and turn right down Banbury Road. Proceed down Banbury Road until you reach Parks Road, a walk of c.10 minutes. Turn left down Parks Road, and proceed until you reach South Parks Road, a walk of c.5 minutes. Turn left down South Parks Road, and follow the road around until it becomes St Cross Road. Proceed down St Cross Road until the junction of Manor Road, a walk of c.5 minutes. The Faculty building is on your left.